Who Knows???

Who Knows???

Article By: Iyo_Embong

We know that life flows in cycles and should expect famine and bounty, heartache and joy, sickness and health and success and failure. In fact, it is typically during the darkest moments, such as death and loss, that transformation takes place.

Tragedy is never easy, but it’s when our expectations are too great or we are too stubborn to adjust to the unexpected that will lead us to imbalance.

The indigenous cultures were incredibly aware of nature’s flow and attuned to the impact of nature’s cycles on their lives. They took guidance from nature that the modern man often resists, even repels. Every day we see beauty emerge from tragedy. Bushfires may destroy thousands of acres of beautiful trees, killing hundreds of animals and decimating the landscape for generations to come. Yet, these fires may be what are needed to return nutrients to the soil and generate the heat required for seedlings to germinate. What we consider “good” or “bad” depends on where we sit in relation to it.

It is with great skill that we understand the true meaning of flow and accept things as they come. It is also of tremendous importance that in understanding change, we don’t take each day and what it brings for granted. Nature is providing us with an opportunity to learn to expect the unexpected, to prepare for both, even as we hope for bounty and abundance.

Just as nature is overflowing with curves, corners, knots, and unexpected changes in direction, so our lives are, and should be, filled with unpredictable twists and turns. While you may find yourself briefly on the straight and narrow path there is sure to be a sudden curve up ahead. Like a treasure trail, this path will lead to unexpected destinations and surprise you. You may be faced with difficult questions such as “Who am I, what my purpose is and what is of value to me?” Some of these questions may be answered after a long period of effort. Others you may discover through everyday experiences.

We may suddenly find ourselves very busy, caught up in worrying about what we have to do next. The future evolves as you evolve. Be prepared. Treasure is found in the day-to-day act of living in love with life. Part of the journey’s beauty is the unexpected. The curving path is often the most interesting one. Resist becoming attached to what “needs” to happen and remain pliant, which is truly the definition of strength, as you continue on your respective journey.

For most of us, an over reliance on outcomes and expectations can lead us to trouble. On the other hand, poverty, illness, disease or a poor home life may temper joy but do necessarily prevent others from achieving a state of resonance and balance. Hold a different perspective on both success and failure, learn to shift and adjust in life and either turn adversity into triumph or make peace with the curves that are thrown.

Our ability to accomplish this may have less to do with avoiding problems or running from adversity than from learning how to live skilfully under any circumstances. Something which is far less dependent on what others, including nature, delivers. Life does not stand still, waiting for us to grab it; instead it is constantly evolving and offering us a chance to participate in the unfolding. To do so, we must learn to roll with the wind that blows, whether it brings hard rain or dust.

It is equally as important that we recognize the importance of each component of life’s cycles.  Movement creates equal parts happiness as the moment of silence. The world, especially with the influence of the digital age, has created a difficult medium where we find fault in slowing down.  It is rare to see one disconnected for more than even an hour, not texting, logging on or tuning in. According to society, disconnect or ‘to be unplugged’ is almost frowned upon.  How could you have missed the headlines or the tweet of the day?

Society has a way of making you feel inferior for being quiet, but it is a brave and beneficial choice to embrace moments of silence.  Welcome silence and stop talking for moment.  Remember, less talking means more listening.

Article By: Iyo_Embong

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