The Way…

The Way…

By: iyo_embong

John 14: 1-12, Jesus tells the disciples: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” There are many ways and truths about life, but, as Christians, we believe that fullness of life comes through, with, and in Jesus Christ.

Knowing the way and knowing the truth are so important in life. How many people are lost, going round and round in circles, with no direction and purpose? And how many people are living in falsehood, worshipping false gods, and living with false hopes and vain aspirations? May we find and stay on the way that brings us to true life.

Instead of leading people to God’s heart, others lead them to dark alleys of confusion, feeding them with useless trash and entertainment, and leading them farther from God’s heart. Actually, all of us would do well to ask ourselves today: Where am I leading people?

“It does not matter how long and arduous the journey, as long as  we know that everything is on the right track.” We can patiently wait, as long as we know that after the long wait, something good will come out. We ask our leaders today not to test our patience, or just take us for a joy ride filled with empty promises and hope. We need leaders with character and substance who will not mislead us, and who literally, will journey with us and lead us toward better lives.

“Master, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us.” This is a very strong call for  our leaders in our present day and time. The people want to see God in us, so let us show them goodness and love! Let us not show them our  bible college certificates, our latest gadgets or cars, our arrogance or pride, our intelligence and know-hows. The people want to see the loving Father in us, nothing more, and nothing less. Are you such a person? Are you a person “up there”? Are you a person with so many walls and defenses? Are you a person that people have to put up with? Hello!? Welcome to the human race. The sooner you go down from your pedestal, the better for the people around you, and for yourself too!

Check out all the walls and fortifications that alienate us from God and people, namely: Money, Power, Pride, Pleasures in life. For as long as we cannot let go of these, they are our prisons, and yes, could even become our tombs. May God set us free from those things that blind us and bind us.

Jesus calls Himself the Good Shepherd. Well, there are various kinds of  shepherds. The bottom line is that a good shepherd is one who is ready to lay down his life for his sheep. Anyone who uses, or abandons, or steals from his sheep is not a good shepherd at all.

He was a leader who was not imprisoned by anything or by anyone in his mission to serve his people. How many of our leaders today have this sense of mission? Sad to say, many of our leaders today have a stronger sense of “commission” than a sense of mission.

For those who are involved in shepherding or leading, learn from the  ‘Good Shepherd’ who uses his staff to lead the sheep, direct the sheep, bring back the lost sheep and protect the sheep from the wolves. Anyone who fails in these responsibilities are not shepherds, and are not good at all.

Remember, all of us have a  mission, a calling to life, goodness and love.  We are to grow and bear fruit wherever we are planted.

Yes, let God remind us all again that the way to people is “the little way” – the way of HUMILITY, SIMPLICITY and OBEDIENCE.

By: iyo_embong

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