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They that Lend a Hand…

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They that Lend a Hand…

Aside from death, the other certainty in life is the various twists and turns of fate we all are subject to before taking that final breath. The twists in my life were not an exception. Like many of us, lately life has been very challenging for me and during this time you will certainly know who your true friend is. The people that you’ve help or lent money to, you’re so called friends – they’ve all disappeared. Eric Clapton was right in one of his song “Nobody knows you when you’re down and out”. But in the midst of it, I had a visit from my friend Ian Manly last week who made this profound comment to me; “Ed, if we are going to fight for $5,000.00 I will give you the $5,000.00 just to save our friendship”…. I was blown away and was really touched by that statement.

Right & Wrong

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Right & Wrong

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so” – Shakespeare in Hamlet. What makes something right as opposed to something wrong? What makes one action the right or good thing to do while another action is the wrong or bad thing to do? Is there an over-all standard set of ethical guide lines that all human beings naturally carry? Or does it depend on the culture, society, and family that you are born into. Where do people’s ethics and morals come from? Why is it that so many people can and do, act outside of those ethics on such a common basis?

…There’s a Reason

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…There’s a Reason

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be. Possibly your roommate or neighbour, long lost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger. But when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way.